New Lawn

New Lawn

Having a beautiful, healthy lawn begins with contacting your Trusted Mooresville Landscaper at Taylor Lawn Care.   OK, down to business; a deep root system is the most important factor in maintaining a healthy lawn; deep roots enable the grass to survive the drought of summer and the cold of winter.  Soil preparation is vital for establishing deep roots.  Soil is similar to the foundation of your home; it makes all the difference in the world, now and later.

4 things your grass needs most are: Food, Sun, Air & Water, 3 of these are obtained from the soil, so making sure it’s right from the beginning is critical.  Unfortunately, most lawns in our area do not always have the nutrients, but the proper nutrients can be incorporated. 

Before adding anything to your lawn, have the soil tested to ensure the proper nutrients and amounts are applied, your local County Extension Office can test your soil.  They will take soil samples from various points of your lawn and test them for nutritional value and provide you with the results and recommendations.

Once your soil is prepared, it’s time to seed the lawn.  Follow the instructions on the package for the specific type of grass you are planting, the amount of seed can vary, as well as the application.  Make sure to read the directions and research the type of grass you are planting.  You don’t want to buy Bermuda when you are thinking Fescue, they are very different.

Once the seed is applied, rake the seed into the soil before covering with straw and begin the watering process.  If you are utilizing a sprinkler system, follow the suggested watering schedule and amounts for your type of grass.

Adam Taylor
Taylor Lawn Care, Inc.

  • Spring is in the air!
    Please contact us for pre-emergent fertilizer and mulch and pine needles. Adam Taylor 704-213-9974 Taylor Lawn Care, Inc. […] Read More